Collection: Vehicle Tracking and ID Kits

Land Rover theft is a significant issue, particularly concerning 4x4 vehicles. Often, the police face challenges in identifying stolen cars or their parts due to tampered serial numbers by thieves. This makes it difficult to prove theft, prosecute criminals, and reunite vehicles with their rightful owners.

Datatag, the industry leader, has been effectively combating this problem for years. They have developed a cutting-edge theft deterrent system that utilizes state-of-the-art identification technologies, which are nearly impossible to remove, alter, or replicate. This system is Thatcham approved and stands as one of the most advanced security marking solutions ever created, effectively deterring theft and thwarting criminals.

The best part? You get a lifetime's worth of protection for an affordable one-time cost, with absolutely no monthly charges or fees.

Our state-of-the-art stealth identification technology ensures your vehicle remains unblemished. Specifically designed for Land Rovers and other 4x4 makes, the Datatag security and identification system has a proven track record in deterring auto theft, preventing vehicles from being stripped or cloned, and subsequently sold to unsuspecting buyers.